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Did you pay for that! An Ethical Dilemma

Did-you-pay-for-that?-Ethical-dilemmaGobble, gobble time and more than half of the world are out and about picking up their last minute ingredients for that famous sweet potato pie of theirs. I was no different. I was out and about fighting traffic (which is already trying in Atlanta) and playing dodge the pedestrian that blindly runs out in front of your car trying not to be the person that just missed the last dinner rolls that were on sale.

After finally parking at the 1st store which turned into 3 stores by the time I was finished, to which I found lots of fresh vegetables which are going to be used in some of our soup and smoothies the rest of the week, I looked around and all I saw were customers texting while trying to steer the buggy and just barely missing a little kid who was playing in the middle of the aisle. I managed to get to the cheese which is going to be used in my wanna make it like mommy macaroni and cheese. My mommy has her recipe down to a science and she gave me the coveted recipe and I am going to try it again this year.

I checked out after looking at the markdown section of the store and out I go back in the car trying not to hit anyone as I left the parking lot. Does anyone shop ahead of time? I mean like 2 weeks before or so. I was just curious because it never fails that the week of Thanksgiving and Christmas my usually close walk to the entrance of the store turns into potentially a 1/2 mile exercise session.

Finally, I arrive at the final store and here is Why I ask, “Did you pay for that?!” You see, upon checking out I usually watch the screen to see if I can catch them over or under charging me and this time was no different. I noticed that my total seemed a bit on the low side so I said to myself let me make sure before I say something, so I glanced at the screen again and I asked her, “Did you charge me for the other meat?” She said as she looked at me with disgust, “Yes.”  Thinking to myself, I am going to do what I usually do and that is to look at the receipt. I glanced and noticed that I was not charged for the meat and in my head something said, “Oh it is okay. She said she charged you. Go ahead.”

What-should-I-do?Ethical Dilemma (Wrong vs Right)

I was almost out the door and turned around and verified again that I was not charged and proceeded to the customer service desk. As I approached the desk, I noticed a young lady standing far away from the register with her arms folded as she said sarcastically, “Can I help you?” I said, “I was not charged for this meat.” She said, “Let me see what you are talking about.” At that time a Manager came up to the counter and said to the cashier, “What happened?” I again said, “I was not charged for this meat.”They both looked at me funny and that just made things more challenging for me because I already felt dumb for telling them, but I knew that thought did not come from God’s camp, it was from the devil’s camp.

I left the store feeling better knowing that I did what was right. I am 100% sure that had I not gone back and paid for the meat that something not so pleasant would come from it, like the meat tasting horrible:( I believe that God is proud of me and actually, I said to myself, “He is going to give it back.” Not being specific about what He was going to give back, but He does reward for obedience even in the most smallest things and areas where you think no one cares or is paying attention, He always is.

After I pulled in the driveway, I go to the mailbox, and there I find a totally unexpected check which ended up covering the amount of the meat, and so yes I got the meat for free, but in an honest (non-compromising) way.

My prayer is that I become a person of integrity in all areas of my life, because Lord knows that I am not, but I want to be so I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me in the areas I fall short.

What ethical or moral dilemmas have you dealt with recently? What would you have done if it was you?

God Bless!


  • danahoebeke

    Thanks for this post, and very well said. Most people would simply take the free meat and move on. I am amazed at how some are surprised when there are decent, honest people that try to do things right. It means it isn’t the norm. We are, however, called to be the light in the world and look different from others. So kudos to you for obedience to God 🙂

    • jerchap1ver5

      Thank you for reading. You are correct, we are called to be light and being light does mean doing what is not in the norm. I just pray that I obey Him more and more as time goes on.

  • Keturah

    Oh I love this! I’ve gone back so many times for the same reason. I’ve literally had people ask me, “why wouldn’t you just leave? It’s their mistake!” Often people don’t realize that no matte what SOMEONE pays for it. It’s not ethical for me to keep something and push the cost off on someone else. That’s why theives burn me up, but, I digress. Thanks for sharing! Great move! Can’t wait to hear more.

    • jerchap1ver5

      Thank you Keturah. I love your name. You are right. Someone would have to pay for it later on and that particular store adds 10% more when you check out as is, so just image if they felt the need to add more because of stealing. Thank you for reading.

  • Johanna

    Awesome testimony of God’s provision!!! God is so good to convict us when we know we need to stand strong and do what is right!!! Great job in telling the truth even when others would not!

  • Megan Elford

    Oh wow, I love how God blessed you for your honesty! It doesn’t always work out so perfectly like that, but it’s awesome when it does! Thank you for sharing this story, it’s such an encouragement to make sure we’re honouring God’s ways and not man’s ways.

    • jerchap1ver5

      It was my pleasure to share this story. I hope someone was helped b/c truly I needed it myself. He is a rewarded and truly I was not looking for it.

    • jerchap1ver5

      Thanks and good job for giving back the extra money. I bet they did not know what to think, but I bet they were glad in the end that their register balanced at the end of the shift.

  • Susannah

    Isn’t it wonderful that God speaks to us and convicts us! Who knows who you impacted by doing what God calls us to do – honesty!