Fashionista,  Product Reviews

Rocksbox Unboxing

I am one of the ultimate jewelry lovers and I mean any kind, whether it is costume or genuine this or that you will more than likely find it in my collection. Like many other lovelies, we have purchased it ourselves, or was so special to someone that they purchased it for us, either way I have managed to acquire so much that I had to have a jewelry box.

And speaking of jewelry, I have been finally selected to try Rocksbox and yes, I know a couple of you out there probably got it as soon as you started blogging, but not me, so I am grateful to be able to try out this designer jewelry subscription. If you would like to try your own personalized Rocksbox use the code: god4bandmexoxo. With the subscription you receive 3 pieces of beautiful jewelry based upon your style preference. I played it safe this time, but you will see what I mean when you keep reading.


Every since they have been sending emails saying that the box has been created (selected) and then it was on it’s way I have been looking out for it big time and actually a bit disappointed when I did not receive it.

One day, kinda out of the blue, not!!!, the box came and it came in a mailer that had “R” on it on one side and that alone made me scream on the inside, It’s here!!

I opened the box, there was a card with my name on it, see above. That personal touch just adds a smile to your experience, so then I noticed that there were card details for each piece of jewelry and a note from the Rocksbox stylist. I opened the gift wrap that covered the jewels, and inside was a beautiful pair of pave’ circle studs in silver by Sophie Harper, Kendra Scott Elisa Silver Necklace in Platinum Drusy and lastly but not least and my favorite piece, A.V. Max Caged Ring in Silver.

The packaging the the box came in is to be used to send the jewelry back if you want to exchange it out for something else, however keep in mind if you want to keep the pieces you can, but you pay a discounted rate which is listed on the card detail.

Christmas has indeed come early. I love the pieces, but I think next time I will step out of my comfort zone a bit more and surprise you all. Check out the next Rocksbox video soon. See the Rocksbox Unboxing video below:

Thanks so much for watching. God Bless!!