Fashionista,  Natural Hair and Beauty,  Try Something New Tuesdays

How to: Flat Twist Demo


Hello Curlies.

If you are a regular reader, then you know that I regularly have a hair wash episode and this week is not any different. After a day of getting up early and getting hubby to work, serving at my church and then visiting with my other family, trying not to pass out from heat exhaustion all while having a monthly visitor that I frankly do not want:), I had to come home and do my hair.

Last week, I attempted to do a bantu knot out, but it takes a good day before my hair completely dries, so I would usually keep my hair in whatever state it was in when I did it, however this is a hair style that I did not feel comfortable wearing to work.

I work in customer service and they seem to be very conservative in hair styles, but liberal in it’s views on things, but that is another story, so I took my bantu knots a loose but keep the twists in my head.

Now onto this week and I bring to you, a Flat Twist Demo. This style is something that I would be comfortable wearing to work for about 5 days which is usually what I would do if I had twists. I am not yet to the point of doing my hair one day and then taking it apart and wearing my hair out the next, so I try to keep it in a protective style for a decent amount of time.

Please see below a quick video showing how I did the flat twist, but keep in mind everyone’s way is different and you have to do what works for you. I used Thank God It’s Natural products, because it seems to leave my hair soft for a couple of days after I do the “out” style, whether it is a twist out or flat twist out.

Thanks for watching.