healthy lifestyle flu shot
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Healthy Lifestyle includes Getting a Flu Shot

This is a paid post sponsored by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Living a healthy lifestyle is an important step in everyone’s daily routine, especially with Covid roaming around, however, we cannot forget about the flu that is still haunting us every year. In my effort to offer useful advice, I am working with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to help spread the word supporting the #IGotMIVax campaign. I know you have seen the commercials, like I have, and now let me share why getting a flu shot is part of my healthy lifestyle routine. 

There was a time in life a long, long time ago when I had a not so great experience after having a flu shot, but that was before I was educated on exactly what was going on. You see, I was one of those that thought that a flu shot caused the flu, but contrary to that popular belief, it was not true. The flu vaccine does not have a live virus in it, so it is impossible to get the flu from the vaccine. Sometimes people may develop a low-grade fever, headache and muscle aches. In my experience, it is well worth it to protect you and your family.

These minor side effects are not the flu – they are signs of your body developing the immunity it needs to fight off the flu. See what not researching will get you. At a time when our healthcare system is already stressed, it’s important that we avoid outbreaks of preventable potentially deadly diseases, like the flu.

Let’s educate ourselves, Flu 101:

Flu Basics:

During the 2018-2019 flu season, flu vaccination prevented an estimated 4.4 million influenza illnesses (more than the population of Los Angeles), 58,000 flu hospitalizations (just over the number of students at Michigan State University) and 3,500 flu deaths (equal to saving about 10 lives per day over the course of a year).

 In recent years, flu vaccines have reduced the risk of flu hospitalizations among adults by about 40 percent. (Source)

Flu vaccination among adults reduced the risk of being admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) with flu by 82 percent, during flu seasons from 2012 to 2015. (Source)

The flu shot is safe for all ages from babies 6 months and up! So when it comes to vaccinating our kids:

Flu vaccination significantly reduces a child’s risk of dying from the flu (source). There are lots of parents questioning whether they should or should not give the shot to their children. It is totally normal to have questions and for those that do, please visit Talk to your child’s doctor and explore resources like Arm yourself with as much research as possible, before making such an important decision. It is okay. Resources like the site are there for you. This pandemic can be overwhelming and scary for parents. Getting your child a flu shot is one step you can take now, to protect them from a serious disease.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is very important to me and my family, that’s why I make sure that the flu shot is incorporated into my routine. It is important to plan and get the flu shot early, as is takes up to two weeks after you get the flu shot for your body to build up enough immunity to prevent the flu, so Michigan residents should get vaccinated now to protect themselves before flu activity increases in Michigan. However, it is not too late! You can still get your flu shot if you have not done so yet! 

For more information and resources, visit The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. 


  • Rosey

    I haven’t had a flu shot yet this year. I’ve been staying in as much as I can but I”ll get there.

  • Melissa Cushing

    Love the post and mental health is so very important as is our overall health. I for sure have not even thought of getting the flu shot this year as I have not even heard of anyone getting the flu BUT I am sure it is there and that they are being counted as Covid cases instead of the Flu. Crazy times and definitley a good idea to get the flu shot as a preventative.

  • Amber Dickison

    I have to send this post to my mom, she’s always been afraid of the flu shot, thinking it would do more harm than good when that’s totally not true. But you’re completely right that we need to have a healthy lifestyle, and the flu shot should just be incorporated into it.

  • Catherine

    Important info here and great tips on staying in tip top shape! Thanks for sharing and spreading the word!

  • monica y

    So important to stay healthy during flu season and follow all the health department recommendations, even getting the vaccine. Thank you for sharing

  • Jay Aguirre

    It’s crazy how the flu seems to have been entirely forgotten about this winter! Good advice and a good reminder.

  • Anosa

    Thanks for your honesty, we don’t often get the flu shot but we have been trying to this year more than ever.