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A Year of Living Green Looks Like This

I have received this book for free in exchange for my honest opinion.

For the past two years, I have been trying to become a vegan, and with it most times, depending on the person, care, and concern for animals and the environment. There are times that one wants to do something a little bit better than the year before, but do not know what to do or is looking for ideas. Let me give you a solution to that by introducing you to A Year of Living Green.

A Year of Living Green is a collection of deeply soulful suggestions for demonstrating concern, kindness, and consideration for nature and its animals. Organized by month, find tips on living green, where to purchase organic and fair-trade products, how to unplug from the grid, supporting local economies, nourishing the earth, and creating a sustainable lifestyle. Julie offers you daily personal anecdotes, inspiring quotations, verses of poetry, simple vegetarian recipes, women’s health tips, environmental facts, and green thoughts.

There are 12 chapters, as mentioned above, and each month has a different activity each day. January starts with awakening to the new year and ends the year talking about peace and reflection. I was surprised also to see some tasty-looking recipes in each chapter.

Every day there is a new idea to show you that a year of living green looks like this, which is going to be not very expensive, but very impactful, like March 20th, the nonviolent diet (by giving up meat and dairy, it can save the lives of several animals.

A Year of living green

About Living Green

Julie Fisher-McGarry was once a personal fitness trainer to Saudi Arabian royalty, and now works to promote environmental issues. A vegetarian since the 1980s, she has fought against animal cruelty and promoted better human health. A Year of Living Green was written especially for women because Julie believes that women are less afraid to show emotion and act upon it.

What does living green look like to you?