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Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes Book Review



About the book:

T-Tapp is a brain-body fitness workout that draws its effectiveness from maximizing muscle activation, circulation and lymphatic health for every age. These exercises are specifically designed to improve strength, flexibility and heart health, as well as increase energy and decrease inflammation. It does more than burn calories and fat – it rebuilds primary body functions such as neuro-kinetic flow, resting glucose utilization rate and cognitive processing. Many report immediate changes in better digestion, assimilation and elimination along with increased mental clarity and higher energy within the first week. Teresa has an extensive background in exercise physiology, a Bachelor of Science degree, and has worked with thousands of models on re shaping their bodies.

  • It can be done anywhere- even in hotel rooms.
  • You only need 4 square feet of space to do it.
  • 15 minutes for each workout.
  • No equipment is needed.

“The T-Tapp system is the ideal anti- aging workout. Highly recommended,” says Nicholas Perricone, M. D.

Patient Advocate and Author Mary Shomon ads, “T-Tapp is a type of exercise program created by exercise physiologist Teresa Tapp. It involves specific movements, designed to activate muscles, and is very effective at lengthening and strengthening muscle and bones, lowering blood sugar, balancing hormones, cinching in the core, relieving pain, reducing inflammation, detoxing, eliminating lymph and excess fluids. It’s not adrenally exhausting, you only do it 3-4 times a week for 15-40 minutes, and you do what you can do, without ending up flat on the couch for days recuperating! When I first did T-Tapp, I did the T-Tapp More program 3 times a week for 2 weeks, and lost 12 inches! ”

This form of “mindful movements” combined with leverage isometrics helps the body rebuild from the inside out, improve posture and build better balance. No weights, no equipment, no impact and no need to increase sets or repetitions. This progressive workout delivers more results in less time, challenging users to get stronger and more flexible.


My take:

Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes is the first time ever that I have had to review a workout book. The explanations were detailed on how to do each workout and the pictures helped a lot. Usually, I would have had a hard time or challenge I should say to do workouts with demonstrations. Real life people were included with their before and afters which was very encouraging. There are options of workout you can do depending on how many clothing sizes you want to lose: 1 clothing size then you would do Basic Plus Workout for 4 days in a row, 2 clothing sizes then 7 days in a row and 3 clothing sizes it is 10 days in a row. In my case, I would have to do the Basic Plus Workout for 7 days in a row. It seems to be a good workout, but videos would make it easier to verify that I am performing the exercises properly.

I received a free copy of this book to review in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.