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3 Takeaways I’ve Learned in 2015 about Blogging


I cannot believe it. It has almost been an entire year that I have been officially blogging. I started in 2014 Novemberish with a non paid blog site and an online blog class that almost scared me. I did keep it up and by January 2015 I was paying a hosting company to host the name, God4bandme and I have not turned back since. More power to all of you who have been going strong and to all of you newbies, keep up the good work, you can do it. In the spirit of resolutions, I have decided to list 3 Takeaways I’ve Learned in 2015 about blogging in particular, but some can be used in everyday life.

The 3 Takeaways are:

  • Pursue
  • Be a Finisher
  • Consider writing/taking notes all the time


Pursue: Restore and Recover was the theme for 2015 at my place of worship. There have been some things that I have not pursued, but purpose to do that in 2016. Take a chance. Step out of the boat and see what happens. You just might not sink, but you would not have known that if you did not try. There have been things that I wanted to do in relation to the blog, but did not because I was too afraid of rejection. Rejection will stifle one’s growth and I believe it did mine, but 2016 will be different. More pursuits and if I fail so what. I will get back up and try it again with some tweaking and it just might work. Heck some people rejected Jesus, so I should not be surprised when I am rejected. It is just a part of the process.

Finish what you start: This one stung because, I work a full-time job, attend church (including serving) and am a happily married woman. I just found out the hard way that I just do not have as much time as I thought I did. This blogging thing is some work and is time consuming. You have to be a great planner and I desire to increase in the amount I plan and make schedules. They do work when you work them and because I have not done it well all the time, I have committed to things that I wanted to complete on time, but just did not. In the long run it hurts relationships and it made me look bad.

Write, take notes, record: This one some might think is a no brainer, but there are times ideas come to your head and you think they are nothing, but you never know it just might lead to a great post/story. There are times that things come to me, I do not write them down and it does not come back. I don’t know about you, but I hate when that happens. To fix that, I will start by putting a recorder in my purse and pull it out when needed and start jotting down what comes to me. Just maybe that may lead to some awesome future posts.

I hope these 3 Takeaways I’ve Learned in 2015 about blogging have helped in some way. See you next year!!!

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What are your takeaways or things you have learned this year as a blogger or not a blogger?